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For Entrepreneurs and Manager

I coach you through all the challenges in your business. This will give you more success and more joy and passion in your life again.

your new advantage


You have successfully solved all business challenges.


You have successfully developed your business and are living your dreams.


You have passionate goals for your professional and private life.


You have found your Northstar and a clear direction in life.


You follow your inner calling and know where your path leads.


You are happy with your new freedom and development.

Mario Hummer

As an entrepreneur and manager, I offer you valuable business coaching for more job satisfaction and more success in business.

My coaching will help you to master all the challenges and problems in your company and restore ease and joy to your daily work.

I will optimize your business model with you and coach you towards your true calling. Enjoy the new freedom that comes with this development!

Let me support and inspire you and together we will find your way to a fulfilled and successful life.

More Power 
with Business Coaching

What my Clients
say about me

Manuel Mayer


With Mario I have developed my detailed North Star mission statement, which is always very helpful for me in many situations in life! Mario is extremely open, honest, very competent and reliable. I really enjoyed working with him!

Astrid Karkheck


Working with Mario was exceptional, extremely productive and always very inspiring. His impressive expertise, professionalism and structured approach make every coaching session an absolute highlight.

Herwig Kirchberger

Managing Director

Mario and his special coaching approach are very likeable and extremely powerful. He helped me to apply my strengths and the things I am passionate about to my current professional situation and to derive concrete steps from this.

Ulrike Haberfellner

Managing Director

With his high level of social competence, Mario manages to point me in the right direction without exerting any influence. He sharpens my self-awareness and encourages self-reflection. It is very helpful that he comes from a practical background and is not just a theoretician.

Johannes Zipfel

Managing Director

Mario uncovered unexpected and very revealing facts to me that greatly improved my profound understanding of my situation. The clear and tangible results inspire immediate action. I can highly recommend Mario as a business coach.

Julia Müller


I can only wholeheartedly recommend Mario as a coach! He helped me extremely well, competently and quickly. I was always impressed by how vastly and positively my view of my challenges changed after the coaching session.

    Manuel Mayer

    With Mario, I have developed my detailed North Star mission statement, which is always very helpful for me in many situations in life! Mario is extremely open, honest, very competent and reliable. I really enjoyed working with him!

    Astrid Karkheck

    Working with Mario was simply exceptional, extremely productive and always very inspiring. His impressive expertise and professionalism and his structured approach make every coaching session an absolute highlight.

    Herwig Kirchberger


    Mario and his special coaching approach are very likeable and extremely powerful. He helped me to apply my strengths and the things I am passionate about to my current professional situation and to define concrete steps.

    Ulrike Haberfellner


    Mario always manages to point me in the right direction with his high level of social competence without exerting any influence himself. He sharpens my perception and encourages self-reflection. It is very helpful that he comes from a practical background and is not just a theoretician.

    Johannes Zipfel


    Mario always revealed unexpected, insightful facts to me that enhance a deep understanding of any situation. The clear and tangible results inspire immediate action. I can highly recommend Mario as a business coach.

    Julia Müller


    I can only wholeheartedly recommend Mario as a coach! He helped me extremely well, competently and quickly. I was always impressed by how vastly and positively my view of my challenges changed after the coaching session.


      Here is my interview on this topic!


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      Wiesenstraße 11
      A-4600 Wels

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